Holistická služba deťom [Holistic Ministry to Children]. Noema Brádňanská Ondrášek. Lecture. Baptist Church. Klenovec, Slovakia: October 31, 2019.
Spolu na ceste. Nájdenie duchovnej kotvy. Nastavenie morálneho kompasu. Sám na námestí. [Together on the Journey. Finding the Spiritual Anchor. Setting the Moral Compass. Alone in the Square.] Noema Brádňanská Ondrášek. Keynote speaker; 4 Addresses. 4th Conference of Children’s Ministry – “Child, Family, Church – Today.” Liptovský Mikuláš, Slovakia: October 25-27, 2019.
Zastavenie sa po 25.rokoch: Vďačnosť, zodpovednosť a modlitba [Gratitude, Responsibility, and Prayer: A Look Back after 25 Years]. Noema Brádňanská Ondrášek. Address. Conference on the Occasion of 25th Anniversary of Department of Theology and Christian Education at Faculty of Education, Matej Bel University in Banská Bystrica. Banská Bystrica, Slovakia: October 27, 2018.
Európska migračná a utečenecká kríza: Na obranu realistického idealizmu [European Migrant and Refugee Crisis: In Defense of Realistic Idealism]. Lubomir Martin Ondrasek. International Scholarly Conference – “Migration: Religions Without Borders – European and American Perspectives.” Co-organized by Trnava University’s Faculty of Education, Department of Religious Affairs of the Ministry of Culture of the Slovak Republic, and The Greek-Catholic Theological Faculty of the University of Prešov. Trnava, Slovakia: May 5, 2017.
Dopady štátneho financovania cirkví na ich verejnú službu [Impact of State Funding of Churches on Their Public Ministry]. Lubomir Martin Ondrasek. “International Scholarly Conference – Financing Churches and Religious Societies in a Comparative Perspective.” University of Trnava, Faculty of Law, Institute for Legal Aspects of Religious Freedom, Trnava, Slovakia: May 4, 2017.
Antikoncepcia a náboženská sloboda: Burwell v. Hobby Lobby [Contraception and Religious Freedom: Burwell v. Hobby Lobby]. Lubomir Martin Ondrasek. International Scholarly Conference – Trnava Days of Law, “Decision-Making Process of National, International and European Courts.” University of Trnava, Faculty of Law, Trnava, Slovakia: September 26, 2014.
Dar slobody, bremeno zodpovednosti: Úloha cirkvi vo svete [The Gift of Freedom and the Burden of Responsibility: The Role of the Church in the World]. Sermonic Lecture. Hope Christian Center, Assemblies of God. Nové Mesto nad Váhom, Slovakia: November 17, 2013.
Výchova a vzdelávanie v kontexte rodičovskej autority a záujmu dieťaťa: Náboženská perspektíva [Upringing and Education in the Context of Parental Authority and Child’s Interest: A Religious Perspective]. Lubomir Martin Ondrasek and Noema Bradnanska Ondrasek. International Scholarly Conference – “Religion of the Parents and the Best Interest of the Child.” University of Trnava, Faculty of Law, Institute for Legal Aspects of Religious Freedom & Department of Civil and Commercial Law, Trnava, Slovakia: November 14, 2013.
Náboženský radikalizmus, náboženská sloboda a registrácia náboženských subjektov v Slovenskej republike [Religious Radicalism, Religious Freedom and Registration of Religious Subjects in the Slovak Republic]. Lubomir Martin Ondrasek. International Scholarly Conference – “Convergence and Divergence in Slovak and Czech State-Church Relations: Twenty Years after of the Independent of Slovak Republic and Czech Republic.” University of Trnava, Faculty of Law, Institute for Legal Aspects of Religious Freedom & Department of International Law and European Law, Trnava, Slovakia: November 13, 2013.
Registrácia Cirkvi kresťanské spoločenstvá Slovenska [Registration of the Church Christian Fellowship of Slovakia]. Lubomir Martin Ondrasek and Noema Bradnanska Ondrasek. International Scholarly Conference – “International and Domestic Legal Aspects of Subjectivity of Individual Subjects of International Law and Churches and Religious Societies.” University of Trnava, Faculty of Law, Institute for Legal Aspects of Religious Freedom, Trnava, Slovakia: November 5, 2012.
Pentekostalizmus: historický vývoj, transformujúca spiritualita a súčasné výzvy [Pentecostalism: Historical Development, Transforming Spirituality and Current Challenges]. Lubomir Martin Ondrasek. Guest lecture. Matej Bel University, Faculty of Education, Department of Theology and Christian Education, Banská Bystrica, Slovakia: October 23, 2012.
Úvod do globálneho Pentekostalizmu [Introduction to Global Pentecostalism]. Lubomir Martin Ondrasek. Guest lecture. The Catholic University in Ružomberok, Faculty of Arts and Letters, Department of Religious Studies and Education, Ružomberok, Slovakia: October 19, 2012.
Svedectvo ako forma náboženského diskurzu: osobná reflexia o Pentekostalizme po dvadsiatich rokoch [Testimony as a Form of Religious Discourse: Personal Reflection on Pentecostalism after Twenty Years]. Lubomir Martin Ondrasek. International Scholarly Conference – “Pentecostalism in Contemporary Religious and Social Contexts.” The Catholic University in Ružomberok, Faculty of Arts and Letters, Slovakia: October 16, 2012.
Od generácie Y ku generácii Z (II.) [From Generation Y to Generation Z (II.)]. Noema Brádňanská Ondrášek. Keynote address. International Ecumenical Workshop – “Practical Skills in Ministering to Children X.” Matej Bel University, Faculty of Education, Department of Evangelical Theology and Mission, Banská Bystrica, Slovakia: September 10, 2011.
Od generácie Y ku generácii Z (I.) [From Generation Y to Generation Z (I.)]. Noema Brádňanská Ondrášek. Keynote address. International Ecumenical Workshop – “Practical Skills in Ministering to Children IX.” Matej Bel University, Faculty of Education, Department of Evangelical Theology and Mission, Banská Bystrica, Slovakia: September 11, 2010.
Neocharizmatické hnutie na Slovensku [Neocharismatic Movement in Slovakia]. Lubomir Martin Ondrasek. Seminar. Institute for State-Church Relations, Bratislava, Slovakia: August 18, 2010.
The Velvet Transformation: Responding to Václav Havel’s Message of Responsibility. Lubomir Martin Ondrasek. Public Lecture. Kenyon College, Gambier, OH: February 14, 2010.
Václav Havel on Responsibility: Reflection on the Ocassion of the 20th Anniversary of the Velvet Revolution. Lubomir Martin Ondrasek. Lecture. Hyde Park Union Church, Chicago, IL: November 15, 2009.
Cirkvi a náboženské organizácie v USA ako partneri federálnej vlády pri riešení sociálnych problémov 21. storočia [Churches and Religious Organizations in the U.S. as Government Partners in Addressing the 21st Century Social Issues]. Lubomir Martin Ondrasek. International Scholarly Conference – “Financing of Churches and Religious Societies in the 21st Century,” held under the auspicies of the Minister of Culture of the Slovak Republic, Bratislava, Slovakia: October 14-15, 2009. Also a conference session moderator.
A Panelist on Human Rights Intern Report Back Panel. Lubomir Martin Ondrasek. “Memories of Silence: Research and Exposing Human Rights Violations.” Albert Pick Hall for International Studies, University of Chicago, Chicago, IL: April 30, 2009.
On Religious Freedom in Slovakia. Lubomir Martin Ondrasek. Lecture. Hyde Park Union Church, Chicago, IL: April 26, 2009.
A Panelist on the Leadership Development Panel. Lubomir Martin Ondrasek. The 2007 Intercultural Leadership Consultation, organized by Emmanuel Gospel Center, Grace Chapel, Lexington, MA: October 20, 2007.