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LMO, The Tunnel at the End of the Light.

Lubomir Martin Ondrasek

The Tunnel at the End of the Light: A Collection of Miscellaneous Writings, 2021.


Marc LiVecche, Executive Editor of Providence: A Journal of Christianity & American Foreign Policy and Stockdale Research Fellow at the Stockdale Center for Ethical Leadership at the United States Naval Academy in the Foreword:

What you will find here is the work of a public intellectual. If that’s too imprecise, let us say that “public intellectual” is the genus and that what you are holding in your hands is the work of that particular species known as the “public theologian.” Looking over these fine essays, I am immensely proud to know Lubomir Martin Ondrasek. While he has clearly been shaped by much of the best of the Slovak and American worlds, he is without doubt Slovakia’s son. His fidelity to his homeland is estimable.

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Ľubomír Martin Ondrášek

Úvahy verejného teológa o viere, spoločnosti a politike: Zbierka textov z rokov 2017 – 2020 [Reflections of a Public Theologian on Faith, Society, and Politics: A Collection of Texts from 2017 to 2020], 2021


Ján Juran, Director of the Department of Religious Affairs at the Ministry of Culture of the Slovak Republic in the Afterword:

Ľubomír Martin Ondrášek entered the wider Slovak public consciousness as an erudite author of brilliant articles, commentaries, and reflections in the mainstream Slovak media. He is also known in academic and ecclesiastical circles as a pioneer of public theology, unifying issues in religion, ethics, and public life. The Department of Religious Affairs has always valued his independent attitude and opinions, which were not always in line with the Ministry of Culture but always represented a valuable contribution to the work of the state administration and enriched the public debate. His engaged approach has become a practical example of meaningful cooperation between the government and academic institutions.

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Ľubomír Martin Ondrášek

Verejná teológia na Slovensku: Zbierka štúdií, úvah a rozhovorov (2013–2018) [Public Theology in Slovakia: A Collection of Essays, Reflections, and Interviews (2013–2018)], 2019


Tomáš Halík, Winner of the 2014 Templeton Prize in the Foreword:

Ľubomír Martin Ondrášek’s book brings to not only the Christian but also a wider environment—the public space of civil society—a valuable and necessary contribution. The author acquaints us with the basic principles, aims, starting points, and methods of “public theology,” introduces its founders and representative voices, then offers practical examples of how he cultivates this discipline and applies it to reflect and analyze the pressing issues of our time in Slovakia and on a global scale. 


Ľubomír Martin Ondrášek

Kresťanstvo, etika a verejný život: Zbierka publicistických esejí (2014–2017) [Christianity, Ethics, and Public Life: A Collection of Essays (2014–2017)], 2017


Martin Bútora, Honorary President of the Institute for Public Affairs and former Ambassador of the Slovak Republic to the United States:

This book will be welcomed by anyone concerned about the quality of public debate. It is written in an attractive style, using the cultivated language of a scholar, and deals with a number of serious and sensitive contemporary topics, from ethics and politics to Christianity and responsibility. It is not only about Slovakia, as the author’s knowledge enables him to communicate how these and other questions are being discussed in America. Reading the book takes a few hours, but you will be thinking about it for much longer. 


Ľubomír Martin Ondrášek, Ivan Moďoroši (Eds.)

Contributors: Harvey Cox, Jean Bethke Elshtain, David Fergusson, Robert P. George, Tomáš Halík, Pavel Hošek, Ivan Moďoroši, Michaela Moravčíková, Ľubomír Martin Ondrášek, Eldin Villafañe, Michal Valčo, Miroslav Volf, John Witte, Jr.

Cirkev a spoločnosť: Smerom k zodpovednej angažovanosti & Church and Society: Towards Responsible Engagement, 2015

David A. Escobar Arcay in Occasional Papers on Religion in Eastern Europe:


Church and Society is a thoroughly enjoyable read. Here is a collections of essays from a diversity of perspectives and contexts and yet united by the common good, the theme of responsibility and, yes, that undeniable interconnection between politics, theology, law, ethics, and religion, to the surprise of some secularists who may have prophesied the end of religion and to the joy of others whose calling and convictional beliefs shaped not only their professions and institutions, but also who they are as creatures made in the image of the Creator.


Ľubomír Martin Ondrášek, Ivan Moďoroši (Eds.)

Contributors: Radovan Čikeš, Ján Juran, Roberto Miranda, Ivan Moďoroši, Ľubomír Martin Ondrášek, Aleš Opatrný, Ondrej Prostredník, Eldin Villafañe

Pentekostalizmus v súčasnom náboženskom a spoločenskom kontexte [Pentecostalism in Contemporary Religious and Social Context], 2013

Pavel Procházka in Dingir: Religionistický časopis o současné náboženské scéně:

The publication Pentecostalism in the Contemporary Religious and Social Context is the outcome of an international conference held at the Catholic University in Ružomberok in October 2012. [It] is quality informational material for pastoral ministry workers, but also for anyone interested in the current topic of Pentecostalism. The reader will not be disappointed, as the book is interesting from a scholarly perspective and also reads well.


Ľubomír Martin Ondrášek

Neocharizmatické hnutie na Slovensku: Analýza základných aspektov teológie a praxe Kresťanských spoločenstiev [Neocharismatic Movement in Slovakia: An Analysis of the Fundamental Aspects of Theology and Practice of the Christian Fellowship], 2011


Ivan Moďoroši in Pneuma: The Journal of the Society for Pentecostal Studies:


This book is currently the first and only scholarly work which maps and analyzes the neo-charismatic phenomenon in Slovakia on the case study of the Christian Fellowship — the most widely recognized and controversial neocharismatic group, which has recently been receiving increased attention from the state administration and professional public. [It] provides an objective and balanced view of selected aspects of theology and practice of the Christian Fellowship and is an excellent entry point into the study of Pentecostalism in general and the neocharismatic movement in Slovakia in particular.

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